Resources on autism published by AMASE
Glossary: glossary of terms relating to autism and neurodiversity
Mental Health Resources:
- Mental Health Factsheet: basic information on how to support an autistic person encountering mental health difficulties, aimed at friends, family and professionals
- Autistic People’s Access to Mental Healthcare Report: ‘Too complicated to treat’? Autistic people seeking mental health support in Scotland. Published by AMASE in November 2018 following a survey of autistic people in Scotland.
- Autistic Adults’ Experiences of Counselling (summary): ‘You need support, validation, good coping skills. You need and deserve acceptance.’ Full report here.
- Autism One Stop Shop mental health report: More in-depth One Stop Shop focused excerpt of the above mental health report looking at the mental health impact and support provided by autism One Stop Shops in Scotland.
- Further Autistic Mental Health Resources: More relevant resources collected by AMASE mental health advisor Sonny.
On ‘Positive Behaviour Support’ (as a PDF): Why AMASE and other Autistic People’s Organisations are not supportive of PBS, which is often a euphemism for ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis)
AMASE Research Podcast: interviews with autistic and non-autistic researchers researching autism.
On Autistic People’s Organisations: why we need representative organisations, and why they need to be listened to.
About Us, With Us: how to include autistic people and make better decisions relating to autism.
Aut.Scot: A conference co-run by AMASE and ARGH. Talks from the conference are online, including introductions to Autistic People’s Organisations from around Europe and an introduction to possible organisational structures with Leo from AMASE
Other Resources
Edinburgh and Lothians Sources of Support collated by Zoe from the AMASE Committee
Neurodiversity at School resources by, or collected by, Fergus from the AMASE Committee
Epic Autism Resources from Spectrum Gaming with help from several autistic and neurodivergent people involved in education
Autism Understood also from Spectrum Gaming, written and edited with and by autistic young people, for autistic young people: a collection of highly accessible explanations of key ideas
Autism and Trauma: A Neurodiversity Affirming Guide for parents + professionals by Spectrum Gaming