
Please complete this form if you would like to join AMASE as a Full or Associate Member. Full Membership is open to autistic adults (16 and over) in Edinburgh, Lothians and Fife, whether or not they have been formally assessed. Autistic adults outside of those areas, but not too far away, are admitted at the committee’s discretion – on the understanding that we may not have the resources and knowledge to properly represent you, but we will do what we can.

Full Members have the right to attend the Annual General Meeting (and any special general meeting), elect people to serve on the management committee, and take decisions in relation to changes to the constitution itself.

Associate Membership is open to other adults who support our Aims & Objectives.  Associate members will also have the opportunity to put their views across relating to our activities.

There is no joining fee.  Professionals who feel able to are, however, very welcome to make a small donation to via PayPal (or contact us if PayPal is a problem).  This will always go towards funding our activities.

Please give us a working email along with your full name and/or how you prefer to be known. We ask for at least the first part of your postcode, so that we have an idea of where our members are based.

How We Use Your Data:
The data we collect will be used by AMASE to maintain contact with members, and keep track of the location and gender balance of members. We will never pass on personally identifying information to third parties. If you provide us with any social media handles we may also use this to follow you as AMASE. Please email if you wish to end your membership (we will normally keep your name and leaving date on file for reference, but we will remove your name on request).

Note that Full Membership is open to anyone who self-identifies as autistic, with or without a formal diagnosis. Associate Membership is open to all, and can easily be switched to Full Membership later.
(e.g. first half of postcode)
*Full members must be autistic and based in Edinburgh or its surrounding areas (including Lothians and Fife)
Only list if you are happy for AMASE to follow you
(whether you yourself are autistic or not)

You will receive an email confirmation when our membership secretary has added you as a member.